The accessibility register module
An accessibility register is a document that contains information about the accessibility features of a building or group of buildings. It may include information on ramps, elevators, wide doorways, adapted toilets, tactile signs, hearing aid systems, etc. The accessibility register is generally used to ensure that buildings comply with accessibility regulations, and to provide useful information to people with disabilities who use the buildings.

The accessibility register module

An accessibility register is a document that contains information about the accessibility features of a building or group of buildings. It may include information on ramps, elevators, wide doorways, adapted toilets, tactile signs, hearing aid systems, etc. The accessibility register is generally used to ensure that buildings comply with accessibility regulations, and to provide useful information to people with disabilities who use the buildings.
Who is concerned by the accessibility register?
The accessibility registry ensures that public buildings, social housing, educational institutions and other types of buildings meet accessibility standards. It is therefore notably used by the managers of these buildings or owners to ensure that they comply with accessibility regulations, and can also be used by people with disabilities to plan their visit to a given building. Authorities having jurisdiction can also use the accessibility register to verify whether a building is in compliance with accessibility regulations.
The functionalities of the module
Accessibility register
Customizable toolbox
Public synthesis
Private synthesis
Generation of interventions
(Under development)
The functionalities of the module
Accessibility register
” The accessibility register module simplifies the updating of the regulatory document as well as its follow-up and traceability.

Customizable toolbox
Our online tool offers you a simple and intuitive module with the ability to create your own fully customized accessibility register, with an easy to use toolbox and templates available to assist you.
The public synthesis
With our accessibility register module, you can easily download a summary for the public containing the information you have previously selected. No matter what type of site you have, our tool provides you with the essential elements to create this summary in a few clicks. You will save time with the automatic creation of this document, while ensuring that your files are properly updated through its dematerialized management.

The public synthesis
Our accessibility register module also allows you to download a summary of your accessibility register for the public with the information you have previously chosen. Our tool adapts to all types of sites and offers you the elements necessary to create your summary in a few clicks. You save time thanks to the automatic creation of this summary, and you ensure the correct update of your documents thanks to its dematerialized management.

The private synthesis
To ensure compliance with accessibility standards, it is important to keep an up-to-date record of the actions taken to facilitate access for people with disabilities. In order to facilitate the management of this register, we offer you the possibility to download a complete summary of your accessibility register. This summary contains all the essential information concerning the accessibility of your establishment or your company. In addition, having a complete summary of your accessibility log at your fingertips can also help you identify potential areas for improvement and implement the necessary measures to enhance the accessibility of your facility or business.

Generation of interventions
(Under development)
Easily ensure the accessibility of your building by automatically creating the necessary interventions, while keeping track of their history for a simplified management of your various sites.
Does the digital accessibility register module meet your company’s needs?
All other Registresecurite.com features
The dashboard
Site management
The interventions
A unique and 100% customizable vision to control the security of your facilities at a glance.
Manage all your sites by prioritizing and administering them in your own way, thanks to a flexible and adaptable tool.
Create the necessary interventions and discover a simplified organization, thanks to a tool that plans and automates the tasks as well as the communication with the providers.
Manage all your providers and contracts, thanks to the centralization of contacts and the automation of data.
Segment all your interventions according to the existing of your buildings. Create and automate the necessary interventions via the list of your different activities.
On the monthly or weekly view, you can visualize all the interventions of your sites as well as the safety commissions. You can also create and modify the elements.